Phoenix Enzyme Cleaner Organic Universal Cleaner

1 x 20 gr. Phoenix Enzyme Cleaner Bio Universal Cleaner makes 1.0 - 1.5 litres of highly effective enzyme cleaner.
100% biodegradable, non-caustic, non-attenuating, effluent neutral , food grade.
Indispensable for environmentally conscious cleaning of water-resistant materials.

Mehr und mehr werden herkömmliche Reiniger als zu aggressiv und umweltbelastend beurteilt und getestet. Vielleicht gehören Sie auch zu den Personen denen das nicht egal ist. Dann freuen wir uns Ihnen eine Alternative anbieten zu können. Ein Produkt abgeguckt von Mutter Natur für Mutter-Natur.

The Power-Bio-Universal Cleaner, which will support you reliably and powerfully in all cleaning tasks in the future. Because please clean in an environmentally friendly and pet-friendly way.
Es müssen bei weitem nicht die bunten umweltschädlichen Chemiekeulen vom Discounter sein, die oftmals viel zu teuer sind. Zu häufig beinhalten diese auch viele unnötige umweltbelastenden Inhaltstoffe und können Ihr Problem bzgl. unangenehmer Gerüche, Fett, Verkrustungen usw. nur mangelhaft lösen..

100% biodegradable, non-caustic, non-attenuating, effluent neutral , food grade.

They do not pollute our environment with toxins, surfactants, etc., but clean absolutely environmentally friendly and much more powerfully than with conventional cleaners. In Germany alone, approx. 220,000 tonnes of household cleaners are sold every year, which sooner or later end up in our environment. This really doesn't have to be the case.

PDF file Federal Environment Agency

Re-think with us and live environmental protection, because what we expect from others starts with ourselves!

Phoenix-Enzymreiniger Bio Universalreiniger Details auf einen Blick
  • Safe and easy application without material damage.
  • As a stain remover without corrosive ingredients.
  • non-caustic, non-attenuating, waste water neutral, without chemicals.
  • nicht ätzend, nicht dämpfend, abwasserneutral, ohne Chemie.
  • easy and safe application without sticking of the fibres.
  • sustainably eliminates odours on the surface and deep inside the material.

Despite the positive properties of Phoenix Enzyme Cleaner Bio Universal Cleaner, we recommend always carrying out a cleaning test in as invisible a place as possible. However, just to be on the safe side.

Phoenix Enzyme Cleaner can be sprayed on or used with a cloth. For odour removal in materials, we recommend multiple spraying to reach the deep areas of upholstery as well, because the Phoenix must penetrate as deeply as the odour generators have penetrated. We are talking about spilled liquids or urine, but also organic substances that have penetrated over time.
For cleaning leather, we ask you to grease and care for the leather afterwards with suitable agents because of the grease-dissolving properties.
High-gloss surfaces tend to show a slight haze after cleaning. This is only loosened dirt, please wipe with a wet clear cloth, because the dirt should be gone.

Warum Phoenix-Enzymreiniger Bio Universalreiniger?

Es gibt zahlreiche Enzyme, die unterschiedliche Aufgaben haben. Also, die einen spalten Fett, (nein, bitte nicht trinken 😂😂😂)weitere spalten Zucker und weitere spalten Proteine. Darum nennt man sie auch biologische Katalysatoren. Unser Phoenix enthält solche Enzyme und ist aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Wirkungsweise der einzelnen Enzyme genau auf ihr Einsatzgebiet abgestimmt. Mit anderen Worten, wir haben wir mit unserem Phoenix unglaubliches erreicht und einen biologischen Universalreiniger herstellen können, der in keinem Haushalt mehr fehlen darf. Darum empfehlen Sie uns bitte weiter und beteiligen sich auch durch Kommentare oder Erfahrungsberichten  in unseren Blogbeiträgen..

Das vermeiden Sie wenn Sie unseren Phoenix-Enzymreiniger Bio Universalreiniger:
  • Oven spray
    Ingredient(s): Caustic soda, surfactants, solvents
    Health risk: Irritation of skin, eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Stain Remover
    Ingredient(s): chlorinated solvents
    Health risk: prolonged exposure via the lungs may cause liver damage, possibly carcinogenic.
  • Floor cleaner
    Ingredient(s): Solvents, including chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs).
    Health risk: liver, kidney and nerve damage is possible with prolonged exposure via the lungs.
  • Toilet cleaner
    Ingredient(s): Chlorine
    Health risk: lung damage
  • Detergent
    Ingredient(s): Surfactants, Bleach, Phosphates, Fillers
    Health risk: Skin irritation, accidental ingestion may cause life-threatening poisoning.

Some of the possible applications.
Odour eliminator : (animal urine, vomit, incontinence, faeces, blood, nicotine, etc.)
Mould Remover: (mould stains, mildew stains etc.)
Machine cleaner :  (dishwasher, washing machine, oven, etc.)
Carpet cleaner  :      (runners, curtains, cushions, mattresses, etc.)

Other possible uses of the Phoenix enzyme cleaner.

Basic cleaning: Fußböden, Decken, Fliesen, Fenster, Türen, Heizkörper, Rolltreppen, Geländer, Aufzüge, Küchenbereich: Dunstabzugshauben, Backöfen, Edelstahlschränke, -Objekte, Kochgeschirr, Arbeitsplatten, Außenbereich: Jalousien, Rollladen, Fassaden, Gartenmöbel, Boote, Solar- und Photovoltaikelemente,…

TradeMachine cleaning, maintenance, degreasing, cleaning work after assembly, fibres: Carpets, upholstery, car upholstery, awnings, PHOENIX is also excellent to use in conjunction with cleaning machines.

We are looking forward to seeing you and hope that you will support us in relieving our planet a little bit. Because environmental protection must start with us and not with others.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, because this innovative product will inspire you.  A pollution-free environment, a hygienic environment and your opinion are very important to us. So discover many more possible uses and, above all, feel free to share them with us.

Phoenix Enzyme Cleaner is not subject to any restrictions due to its nature, but please ensure that it is stored in granular or dissolved form, out of reach of children or animals.